Welcome to the Town of Fremont in Steuben County
Important News
Important News
Draft March 11, 2025 Town Board Meeting Minutes
NOTICE – HOUSEKEEPING POSITION AVAILABLE – there is an open position for a housekeeper for the Town Hall. This requires general housekeeping with light lifting and a drivers license needed. This is an hourly wage of $15.50 per hour with about 1-2 hours per week. If you are interested please contact the Town Clerk at 607-324-7786.
The Town of Fremont is looking for new members for the Planning Board. You must be a Fremont resident. If you are looking to get involved with the town please send a letter of interest to the Town Clerk or email at s.peck@townoffremontny.com.
The Town of Fremont is also looking for new members for the Zoning Board of Appeals. If you are looking to get involved with the Town please send a letter of interest to the Town Clerk or email at s.peck@townoffremontny.com
Steuben County Spring Newsletter
Public Input Opportunity – Steuben County Comprehensive Plan
Steuben Strategic Planning Input
Joann Kilbury Spencer, Former Fremont Town Historian from 1976-2000 created two wonderful picture books of Fremont history with a large assortment of pictures covering many decades. These books are located in the Fremont Town Hall for viewing. You can also view these pictures here on this website under “About Us” once you click on this scroll down to view the pictures.
Special Recognition Plaque – The Town Board has established a Memorial Plaque in recognition of town residents that have served the Town of Fremont. This recognition will begin for deceased individuals that passed in and/or after 2021. The plaque will be placed in the Town Hall and updated once a year. If you want to submit someone’s service to the Town Board please complete this Special Recognition Form and send to the Town Clerk. Any questions you can contact the Town Clerk.
The Fremont Town Board has approved to have a Newsletter/Informational tool for the Fremont Town residents. On this page there is Mailing List Signup link in the upper right-hand corner. Just click on this link and complete the form to receive future Notifications and Newsletters.
The Fremont Town Board has approved to have a Facebook account. The address is: https://www.facebook.com/TownofFremontSteubenCounty
The Town Board will be using this site as an information and notification tool for the Town of Fremont.
The Town of Fremont will be handing out free KN-95 masks and Covid Test Kits. You may pick them up during the Town Clerk hours for Tuesday 1-4pm, Wednesday 6-8pm and Friday 9am-noon. They will be distributed on a first come, first serve basis, as supplies last.
PROPERTY OWNERS: If you plan on doing any updating to your home or adding any additional buildings to your property, please contact the Code Enforcement Officer, Chuck Cagle at 607-542-2175 before you start. A building permit may be required for your project. For current building standards and codes for NYS please click the link. Website Update
Information regarding the Statewide Foreclosure Prevention Outreach Request click links below: Statewide Foreclosure Prevention Outreach Request and HOPP Agencies
Upcoming Meetings
Upcoming Meetings
Town Board Meetings will be held on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00pm
The Planning Board Meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm as needed at the Town Hall